brodick isle of arran

Arran COVID 19, 12th June summary

Arran Covid-19 Recovery Plan Summary: ( Based on SG Route Map)

Summary: The ASK is simple, we want the same right to survive, business and community, as the rest of Scotland. No less, no more

Critical Issues needing escalation to support opening the Island:

  • Credibility of Islands Bill determined by response to issues outlined below.
  • Ferry Capacity restrictions threaten £69m income and 1516 jobs and civil liberties. Need minimum of 50% of 2019 passenger capacity July onward.
  • Auchrannie starts Employee Consultation Process while continuing to seek increased Ferry Capacity and/or Government support.
  • Government support package that recognises tourism in general and Islands in particular as a special case requiring additional support.
  • Outcomes from 2,3 and 4 determines the size for Island Survival Plan.


Critical Path: Ferry Capacity impact on Business and Civil Rights.

Information from the CalMac states that Ferry Capacity will be restricted to 8% of of 2019 capacity. This implies; NO tourism in 2020 and restricted travel for the local community. To be clear the situation just got worse. We need passenger ferry capacity at a minimum of 50% of the 2019 passenger levels from July onward. This assumes there will be no Day Visitors and only: Locals, VFF, and Staying Visitors. Same commercial traffic as 2019.

To restate, current capacity plans mean that there is NO TOURIST INDUSTRY ON ARRAN and travel restrictions on the local community which impose a probable infringement on Civil Liberties.  

In this event, Local and Scottish Government need to immediately establish an  ‘Island Survival Plan’. The soft and hard infrastructure that supports this £69m industry employing 1516 workers will not survive a six month shut down.

The Route Map to recovery operates on the Island but ferry capacity constraints do not allow most Island business to operate, in any practical sense. This contravenes the spirit and legal framework of the Islands Bill and needs urgently addressed.

Who are the Arran Recovery Group.?

Arran Recovery Group: Health and Social Care Partnership, Community Council,

Visit Arran, Auchrannie, Taste of Arran, Eco Savvy, Arran Development Trust, North Ayrshire Council support, Local Councillor, Arran High School, ACVS, Arran Ferry Committee, Highlands and Island Enterprise, Arran Economic Group.

Sources of information: 

  • Knowledge from all of the above.
  • STEAM report for Arran 2019.
  • CalMac actual capacity data for 2019.
  • Questionnaire May/June 2020; 900 respondents or 20% of the population.

Tom Tracey June 12th


Summary Information on the plan:


COVID-19 has effectively closed travel and tourism . Restrictions will  not be removed before a vaccine is available (12 months plus). Tourist revenue is the primary income for Arran and will be reduced by at least 80% for this fiscal year.

Recovery Plan:

Develop a Recovery Plan which balances the three main strands of Island life, Community, Environment and Economy through each stage of recovery, underpinned by National and local HSCP guidance. The Plan must show how the community will be safe, responsible and sustainable, while managing risk.


The Recovery Plan will be informed by consultation with the Community on Arran. The objective being to achieve the widest possible consensus

Business Dilemma:(Social Distancing will reduce Ferry & Business Capacity)

Community expenditure cannot support most Island Business. Current Ferry

Capacity means there will be NO tourism in 2020. Unless capacity and the Government support package changes dramatically, Businesses have to decide if they can afford to borrow to survive or stop trading.


1) Ferry Capacity is the primary constraint and will influence most reset actions.

Restart Suggestions: Scottish Government Route Map, used unless Island dispensation given. Dates are indicative only. ‘Reset’ must be achieved.

  • May/June: Arran for Arran: Current Business + Garden Centres, Refuse recycling , Road and Path works,
  • Social: As is + Golfing, Fishing , Boating, Bowls.


  • July: Arran to Mainland: Free movement of Islanders in line with Route Map.


  • Mid July/August: Visitors to Arran: (Priorities developed with more info.)


  • VFF/Self -Catering/Second Home-owners.


  • Hotels , Restaurants, B&B’s and Guest Houses


  • Campsites:(Need to asses the impacts of Caravans/Campervans on capacity


  • No Day Trippers this year

Arran COVID 19, 12June summary



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